The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

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There is a story about Aurangzeb's reign in India, that he issued an imperial command that everyone in his dominions must attend all the five prayers of the faithful. At that time, a sage lived there, although no one knew that he was a sage as he lived in solitude. This sage also received the command, but he forgot it or did not think about it. The police were sent to bring him to the house of prayer, and he came willingly and joined the congregation. When the priest who leads the prayers began his recitation the sage ran away from the congregation almost at once. The police went after him, and he was brought before the judge, for he had not only violated the law but disturbed the whole congregation. He said to the judge, "I would like to know what the leader of the prayers meant the congregation to do." The judge said, "Religion teaches that your thoughts should be united with the thought of your leader." The sage said, "But that is what I did! The teacher's thought went to his house; he had forgotten his keys at home. So I could not remain in the house of prayer; I ran for the keys." In the end it was proved that it was so. He was a great sage and to him was known all that was going on in the minds of others.
