The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

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But the point is that the first lesson to be learnt is to have faith in oneself. How many among us there are who have no faith in themselves! It is this very lack that makes them have no faith in others. Once a person has faith in himself, he can have faith in others also. For instance, if one feels a person to be good and spiritual, what does it matter if the whole world does not think the same? But if somebody says, "I do not know, perhaps the other person thinks right, and I do not", then he has no faith. He does not know what faith is. He may have faith in a man, and yet as the days go on the time comes when he will lose it. A person who does not believe in himself cannot believe in anybody else, and is really an unbeliever. Faith must begin within. Belief in oneself should be so strong that even if a thousand people say "no", one will say "yes." To look to others for every opinion, not trusting oneself to say whether it is day or night, is to end by not only distrusting others but by developing a kind of insanity.
