The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

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And then we come to Rama. All that he had gone through was a lesson for him. Now he acted through different situations and showed practical philosophy. The way of war and the way of peace, the way of ruling his people justly, the way of sympathizing with them, the way of serving them, the way of lifting them up, the way of raising humanity, all these different ways of Rama have been an example for ages. One who studies the Ramayana will see that the legend of Rama, all how he went through, how he took it, and how he reacted, is all a lesson. Not a lesson only for a king or a chief; it is a lesson for every man, because every man has a kingdom of his own. However insignificant a man may be, he has his own kingdom in this world, and he has his duty, his responsibility towards his kingdom. And the way Rama went through test and warfare all shows the manner to use with one's own kingdom.
