The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

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If I had to describe the meaning of faith I would say that faith means self-confidence. The secret of faith is that it can be used as a medicine and better than medicine, as wealth and greater than wealth; it can be religion and greater than religion, happiness and greater than happiness. For nothing can buy or sell faith. If there is anything that can be called the grace of God it is faith and selfconfidence. It is something one can neither teach nor develop; it must be in one, and it can only be strengthened by loving it, by enjoying it. It develops by itself. If a person comes to me and says, "I believe in you so much that I will believe anything you say; but I do not believe in myself", I will say, "Thank you, I will not believe in you either. You had better believe in yourself first; then I can depend upon you." What kind of belief is this? If a man does not believe in himself he will say one day, "I believe in you", and the next day, "I do not believe in you." Besides, faith is inspiring, faith causes a man to be brave, courageous, successful, and faith makes life wonderful.
