The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

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There is a story that explains a little more the relation between destiny and free will. A seer was working as a porter in a rich man's house. Now there is a belief in the East that no sooner a child is born than angels come and write on its forehead the whole plan of destiny. But this seer-porter was a wonderful man. At the door, as soon as the angels came, he said, Stop, where are you going? I am the porter here! You cannot go in unless you promise to tell me about the plan." The angels told him; he was a strong porter, he would not let them go without telling him. And so every time a child was born in that house he took down the notes of what was going to happen. Then the parents passed away. Theirs had been a rich house, but for some reason or other the money was lost. The children were left without shelter, and it fell upon the shoulders of the old porter to look after them with what little means he had.
