The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

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Q. In an urgent case may one call before a patient a clairvoyant? A. In the first place I would say, Sufism does not restrict anyone to do what he likes. If they want to go to a clairvoyant or someone, there is no rule in the Sufi Order, no teaching. But at the same time a Sufi is wise; the meaning of "Sufi" is "Wise." And wise, the first principle of the wise is to develop so that he has not to depend upon others, that he does it himself. The other thing is that when the wise who is beginning on the path of wisdom, then he takes the hand of a guide and then the first thing he will do is to ask his own guide, his murshid, his teacher, "What I shall do about it?" Anything else he will do afterwards. Even that is not a rule. The initiation does not restrict a person that he must ask his murshid.
