The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

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They are not matter, they are not spirit, they are between. When once these fine nerves have become sensitive then the communication is open with the other side. But then the difficulty is this, that the gross vibrations of this earth are too hard on the nerves, and the nerves cannot answer the demands of this gross world, this material world; they become too fine. The result is that a nervous illness comes from it. It is for the betterment of some mediums, who were used by the great explorers of spiritualism, that I showed my disapproval to that line. Not as an unbeliever, nor as someone who makes fun of these things; only for the welfare of these simple ones, who are made use of, and whose lives are ruined in order that the others may find out some secret of it. But what secret do they find after all? Nothing. It is not the spectator who will find the secret of the play. It is the player himself. If they want to experience, they must experience themselves - that is where the joy is - and take consequences. But this way of taking an innocent young person, a weak person, a mediumistic person, putting him into a trance, and profiting out of his ruination, it brings neither a blessing nor that knowledge which illuminates the soul.
