The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

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  1. The first stage is the receiving of the knowledge, when he does nothing but receive.

  2. The next stage is the period after this; and that stage is the assimilating of what has been learned. Man thinks upon it, he ponders upon It, in order that it may remain in his mind. It is just like eating food and then assimilating it.

  3. The third stage is the reasoning it out by oneself. Man does not reason it out as soon as he has received it; if he did, he would lose the whole thing. Because it is like a person who has learned A and B and C at one stage, and then would ask how about words that did not begin with those letters. He would reason it out much sooner than he ought, For he has not yet learned the other letters. There is a time which must necessarily be given to receiving, as one gives time to eating. While one is eating one does not run about in the street in order to assimilate the food. After a person has finished his dinner, then he does everything possible to help digest it. Assimilating is clearly understanding, feeling and memorizing knowledge within oneself; not only that, but waiting until its benefit and its illumination come as a result of achievement.
