The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

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The reason why the guardians are anxious to send the child to school is that they are conscious of competitive life. They see how there is competition in business and industry and on all sides of life; and in order to train the child soon enough, so that it may take up life's duties and responsibilities, they wish to do it too early. The consequence is that the child has lost the best time it could have had at home; a time of rest and comfort, and freedom from all anxiety about the work that it has to do at school; so that its mind could have matured properly, and it could have begun the school work at the right time. It is because the generality of people are so competitive in every profession and business, that we make the coming generation suffer; we deprive the children of their freedom, of the time which they ought to have at home to play and to think little and enjoy life more, and to keep away from worries and anxieties. We take away that best time in the life of the child by sending it to school.
