The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan
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Often one sees circus horses and other animals working wonderfully according to the commands given to them. Is it their mind; have they learned it? No, they have not learned it, it is not in their minds. It is at the instant when the man stands there with his whip that the reflection from his mind is mirrored upon their minds. If they were left alone they would not work, they would not think about it. The reason is as it is said in the Qur'an, that man has been made chief of creation. This means that all creatures around him, large or small, are attracted to his magnetism; they are all attracted to him, they all look up to him, for he is the representative of the divine, and they unconsciously know it and surrender to it. Elephants in Burma work in the forests, carrying logs of wood, but it is the thought of the man who trains them, mirrored upon them, that makes them do the work. When one studies it minutely one finds that it is not a training, it is a reflection; that what man thinks in his mind, the animals do. They, so to speak, become the hands and legs of their master. Two beings become one in thought; as the Persian verse expresses it, when two hearts become one, they make a way through mountains. A relationship can be established between a man and an animal, but it is difficult to establish that oneness among human beings. |