The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan
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Many people possess this quality naturally, while others do not seem to possess it. We may think that one person has brought faith with him and another has not, because he has or has not that quality. But when we study life minutely we find that there is no soul which does not possess faith. How true it is as the Prophet says, "Every soul when born is a faithful follower; it is afterwards that he turns to the contrary." This really means that every soul is born on earth with a simple faith, and it is only afterwards that he doubts. If it were not so, we should never have been able to learn the language we speak. Was it not learned by faith, from infancy? When the mother says, "This is a tree", the child says "tree"; when she says, "This is water", the child calls it "water." And there are many things which the parents speak of apart from ordinary everyday matters, and the child believes them as they want him to believe. Whether the names given to the things are right or wrong, the child takes them as his guardians wish him to take them, for that is his natural tendency. |