The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

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The lesson of love is first learned by human love. When a person begins by saying: I love God, he does not speak the truth because man must first learn to love human beings before he can love God. One begins to love in life one's father, mother, brother, sister, beloved, husband, wife, child; it is the first lesson, the first stage in love. Among Hindus Love is symbolized as water. And as water kept in a little tank is subject to being spoiled after some time, so is the love when it is bestowed on one person and cannot spread itself. It is like the water kept closed up in the tank; a time will come when it turns bad. Nobody, no doubt, is capable of loving many who has not first learned to love one. The first step in love is by loving one; it is the first lesson and he who at the beginning of life says: "I love everyone" or "I love many", has not yet learned his first lesson. After learning that lesson you cannot love one and hate another, you must expand your love and admiration.
