The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

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A king had a slave called Ayaz, whom he held in high esteem and made him treasurer. The courtiers who were envious of Ayaz and jealous, thinking that one who had been a slave would have risen so high, told the king that every day Ayaz goes to the treasury at a certain time, and spends some time there alone and that that could be for no good. The king had a hole made in the wall, and he stood and looked through the hole. He saw Ayaz in the treasury go to the cupboard, and take out something from there. He held it up, and the king saw that it was his slave's dress. Ayaz pressed it to his eyes and to his forehead, and said: "O Ayaz, remember that you were a slave and in this dress, and from this the King raised you. Remember, if you should use your power to harm another, to trouble another, to be tyrannical to another, that you yourself were a slave and helpless." When the king heard this, he was very much touched. He made Ayaz minister.
