The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

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It was a degeneration and it was the preparation for an ideal. Both things are always going on, degeneration and evolution. When they said, "What do these gods look like?" it was their imagination that made the picture. In New York there is the figure of Liberty, a woman with outstretched arms, holding up a torch and lighting the way to liberty. Before you reach New York, you see the Statue of Liberty, and all over the United States the figure of Liberty is like this. The goddess of war has a mouth wide open, the tongue hanging out, greedy for blood, the teeth projecting. This goddess, Kali, was worshipped for a thousand years all over Bengal, because at that time they were always in the fight, in the quarrel. Those who did not want the fight said, "I want the god of comfort, Vishnu." He is shown in the picture with his wife Lakshmi, wealth, because comfort cannot be without wealth. He is sitting on a snake with seven mouths; the hoods of the snake make a shelter over his head. There must be the destructive element that protects the comfort. In this way they were taught, "You worship, you want comfort, wealth. Yes, but the god of comfort, the goddess of wealth must be sheltered by strength, by defensive power."
