The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan

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People sometimes say the Eastern temperament makes their language, actions, and words so exaggerated. It is their nature to exaggerate. They have far too much tendency to overstate things. There is a reason for this attitude. First, there is the respect in which the teacher of spiritual attainment is held. Then there is the fact that the way to reach high spiritual attainment is by crushing the ego. It crushes the ego to bow one's head before anyone out of respect. The ego wants to say, "Here am I: you may think you are something, but I am something too." But there is no room for wisdom as long as the ego is there, because the ego closes the doors, saying, "Yes, you have your thoughts, and I have mine." So whenever a chela has that attitude towards the teacher, he cannot learn. It is not till the ego is crushed that the simple faith and perfect humility and innocence comes, which you see in the face of your Master, your Savior. It is not only the teaching which attracts you to Jesus Christ, it is His face of innocence. Any artist who tries to paint a picture of Him by intuition will portray that simple innocence, that simple innocence in the face of the Lord.
