The Teaching of Hazrat Inayat Khan
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But if we attach ourselves to this body as ourselves, then it is death. A simple man asked a person: "How can I know that I am dead?" "Well," the man said: "It is very easy. When your coat has become rotten and torn and worn out, then it is a death." Of course, when the coat was worn out and torn, then this man was thinking that he was dead, and he was weeping bitterly. And some thoughtful person came and told him: "It is your coat that is torn. But how can you cry, you are still alive." It is exactly the condition of the mystical idea. For the mystic the body is a garment. But it is no use realizing it intellectually. Because if one says intellectually: body is my garment, but then what am I, and where am I' And as I have said: by the meditative process one finds where one is and what one is. And therefore this does not remain as a belief, it becomes a faith, even greater than faith: it becomes conviction. |