Vol. 4, Healing And The Mind World
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5. Various Methods of Healing
Spiritual Healing
Vol. 4, Healing And The Mind World
5. Various Methods of Healing
Spiritual Healing
Spiritual healing is still higher in its nature than either of the former methods. It can be performed by a single being as well as by a group of people. In this case the heart of the healer can send forth its feelings and vibrations, and in accordance with their intensity the subject is healed. In absent spiritual healing the desire spreads forth its rays and reaches the patient wherever he may be, curing him without the presence of the healer. The concentration of several people united together works still more wonderfully.
The power of the healer depends upon the warmth of his heart.
Devotees by their power of concentration, by their purity of life, and by their divine love become wonderful healers; their every tear and sigh become a source of healing for themselves and those around them. Devotion is the fire in which all infirmities are consumed, and the devotee becomes illuminated within himself; and the joy of the devotee and his pain cannot possibly be compared with any other joy in life. Spiritual healing does not require the fixed gaze, the touch of the fingers, or the power of breath, but Tawajjeh (a kind glance), or Do'a (a good thought) of the spiritual healer serves the purpose.