Vol. 2, Cosmic Language
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11. Mind and Heart
The heart is a lantern
Vol. 2, Cosmic Language
11. Mind and Heart
The heart is a lantern
If we imagine this heart as a lantern, then the light in the lantern makes it the spirit. We call the heart a lantern when we do not think of the light, but when there is a light then we forget the word lantern, and we call it light. When we call the heart "spirit" it does not mean spirit void of heart, as it does not mean light without lantern, but light in the lantern.
The right use of the word spirit, however, is only as the essence of all things. The essential light and life from which all has come - that is the spirit. But we use the word "spirit" also in a limited sense, just as light is the all-pervading light of the sun, and at the same time the light in the lantern - which we call light also.