Vol. 4, Healing And The Mind World
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1. The Main Aspects of Healing
Vol. 4, Healing And The Mind World
1. The Main Aspects of Healing
A healer often finds patients whose complaints may differ and yet may have originated in lack of balance. Balance is the most difficult thing in life to keep for anybody and everybody. Many times a healer succeeds in curing a patient by just showing him some practices by which he can attain balance. This, besides healing, brings about a most desirable effect.
Balance is gained in different ways: - Even in ordinary actions such as sitting, lying, standing, and walking;
- standing with even weight on both legs,
- sitting cross-legged,
- or on one's heels, both carrying an equal part of the weight of the body;
- also kneeling,
- walking rhythmically with an even force given to the swing of both arms.
- By regularity of eating and drinking, working and resting, sleeping and rising, one gets balance too.
The first thing a healer should consider when treating a patient is that he must give him balance.