Vol. 5, A Sufi Message Of Spiritual Liberty
| Heading
Correspondence of the Planes
Vol. 5, A Sufi Message Of Spiritual Liberty
Correspondence of the Planes
The following is a diagram illustrating the planes of Nuzul and Uruj (involution and evolution):
| Plane
| Descending Planes of Involution (Nusul)
| Ascending Planes of Evolution (Uruj)
Tanzih -- the Universal Self
| 1.
| Zat -- the unmanifested
| 2.
| Ahadiyat -- plane of Eternal Consciousness
| Hahut --plane of consciousness
| 3.
| Wahdat -- plane of consciousness, Sound
| 4.
| Wahdaniyat -- plane of abstract ideas
| Tashbih -- the Individual Self
| 5.
| Arwah -- the spiritual plane
| Lahut -- spiritual plane
| 6.
| Ajsam -- the astral plane
| Jabarut -- astral plane
Malakut -- mental plane
| 7.
| Insan -- the physical plane
| Nasut -- material plane
All planes of existence consist of vibrations, from the finest to the grossest kind; the vibrations of each plane have come from a higher one, and have become grosser. Whoever knows the mystery of vibrations, he indeed knows all things.