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Consciousness, the Only Personality
Consciousness, the Only Personality
When we look at the world we see that everything makes a circle. The plant grows from the seed to its developed state and returns to dust. Man grows from childhood to youth, to maturity, then to old age. This, it is said, is an argument for our passing through many lives. But it is not the circle that journeys, but the point which journeying forms the circle and returns to the place from which it started. It is the Consciousness that performs the journey at all times, and not the individual soul.
The drops of water in a fountain go up, some higher, some lower, some go a very little way, some rise very high. When each drop falls down it sinks into the stream, flowing away with it, and does not rise again, although the water of the same stream rises again and falls again in drops, which proves to us the fact that the water has a continual rise and fall, not the drop, yet apparently it rises and falls as drops though the portion of water in every drop is different.
The wheel of evolution is such that the consciousness gradually evolves through rock, tree, animal, to man. When it reaches man it cannot manifest further toward the surface, because through this journey all its force is spent. Man is the most active being, he has to do with most things. A rock has very little activity; it lasts long. A tree has a little more activity, and its life is not so long as that of the rock. There are many animals which live much longer than man. Man has the most activity, and in him the consciousness reaches the highest point of manifestation.