Vol. 4, Healing And The Mind World
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3. The Development of Healing Power
The Power of the Presence
Vol. 4, Healing And The Mind World
3. The Development of Healing Power
The Power of the Presence
It must be understood by a healer that his very presence must emit healing power, and in order to do this the healer must have an overflowing life, power, and magnetism. In the first place the body must be healthy, clean, and pure, so that physical magnetism may be beneficial; also purity of mind is necessary, together with sympathy for the patient and a desire to cure him instead of profiting by his cure.
The soul speaks most in the form of the atmosphere; in other words, the atmosphere tells what the soul says. The development of the soul is brought about by a spiritual process and spiritual life. Therefore the development of the mind, of the body, and of the soul is necessary in order to possess a healing power and presence.