Social Gathekas
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26. The Path of Discipleship
1. Lesson of Confidence
Social Gathekas
26. The Path of Discipleship
1. Lesson of Confidence
The first lesson that a pupil learns in the path of discipleship is called in Sufic terms Yakin; yakin means confidence. First one gives this confidence to one's fellow human being, whom one considers one's teacher and one's spiritual guide.
There are three classes that can be distinguished.
One gives partial confidence and cannot give complete confidence. One is wobbling, thinking, "Yes, I have confidence: perhaps I have, perhaps not." This sort of confidence is a very difficult position. A better position would be not to give it at all. It is lukewarm: not hot, not cold. This person does the same in all things-in business and in profession. This person trusts and doubts, and trusts and fears. This person is not walking in the sky, and is not walking on the earth, but is between the two.
There is a second kind who gives their confidence to the teacher but is not sure about themselves. They say, "Yes, I have given my confidence, but they are not sure if inwardly they have given it. These people have no confidence in themselves and are not sure of themselves: therefore this confidence is of no value.
The third person gives confidence because he or she feels confident. This confidence can alone rightfully be called Yakin.
People of all these categories were with Jesus Christ.
Thousands of people of the first category came, surrounded the Master, and left Him. It took not one moment for them to be attracted, and not one moment for them to leave the Master.
The second category goes on for some time, just as a drunken man goes on. When soberness comes it becomes clear to them. "Where am I going? Not in a good direction." Do not think that those of this category did not follow the prophets! Thousands and thousands followed the masters and prophets.
But those who stayed to the end of the test were those who, before giving their confidence to the teacher, had confidence in their hearts first. It is they who, if the earth turned to water and the water turned to earth, if the sky came down to earth and the earth rose up to the sky, would stay the same, firm in the belief they first had. By discipleship one learns a moral: that whatever position one assumes in life - husband, wife, son, daughter, servant, or friend - a firm and steady confidence is needed.