Vol. 7, In an Eastern Rose Garden
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The Freedom of the Soul (2)
The Intelligent One
Vol. 7, In an Eastern Rose Garden
The Freedom of the Soul (2)
The Intelligent One
If the soul is intelligence, where does it come from, what is it in essence? All the scriptures of the past agree, as well as most philosophers, that the source and goal of all things is the Intelligent One.
But if it is the intelligence itself, why call it the "Intelligent One"? Because it is a being; it is not a thing, nor is it a condition. It is first a being, and then it is all conditions and all things.
It is a great mistake when a man considers himself as a being, a person, recognizing his own personality, and when it comes to the source and goal of all things he calls it a "force," an "intelligence." People want so much to get away from the idea of a Person behind all, that they prefer to say "gods" instead of "God." Instead of calling Him the divine Being they say "forces"; they would like to turn into plurality the source and goal which remains one and the same through the whole process and all stages of evolution. The oneness of the Spirit is so great that even in this world of variety there is one spirit and one being.