The Message Papers
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Peculiarity of the Great Masters
The Message Papers
Peculiarity of the Great Masters
And then we come to the life of Shankaracharya, the last prophet of India, the Hindu prophet, who was not really the prophet but who was the representative of Rama, Krishna, Shiva, and Buddha. He had the four different aspects of wisdom gathered in him, because it was his time to give the message to his country. He mixed the four aspects; of this Brahmanism came. Therefore Buddhism went out of India, it only remained in China and Japan, but mixed; and in India again Buddhism came and enriched Brahmanism, which was disapproved by the followers of Rama and Krishna.
Although they remained as the admirers, as those who adhered to the different prophets, but at the same time they had love and devotion for all those . . . they considered all of the avatars the same soul, the same spirit: the Spirit of Guidance. It is in this way that the essence of the four different messages was given in Brahmanism.
God Bless You.